Church History
In the late 1940's, a group of believers met together in Shirley, in a Second World War Nissan Hut, and were known as 'The Evangelical Free Church.' The building was regarded as a temporary structure, and at the beginning of the 1950's the Southampton Council served them notice to vacate the premises, as they wanted the land to build a much-needed housing estate.
At that time, the church had nowhere to relocate to, and so it became a matter of prayer. Fortunately, the Council were very patient, as imposed eviction dates came and went, but after about two years, one of the Elders of the church had a chance conversation with a neighbour and Trustee of Emmanuel Church. The number of believers at Emmanuel were dwindling, and so the Leadership there were looking at various options.
The building that exists today, originally for the Sunday School, and a building next door adjacent to Kingston Road, which was the church and registered as a place of worship in 1922, were handed over, lock, stock and barrel, without charge, to the group at 'The Evangelical Free Church.'
God miraculously answered prayer in a way that was totally unexpected. Many changes have taken place, to both the building and the membership here since that time, but God has always remained faithful.